Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Cole Slaw To Die For

August 15

One of my 93-year-old mother's favorite foods is cole slaw. Never a cook, as far as I know she never tried to make it, but when it's served at the nursing home, she lights up like a Christmas tree.

I've taken to making batches of it to take to her for snacks, and she eats it with gusto. In the process, I've gotten a bit hooked on the stuff myself. I've got a couple of ways to make it.

The basic is made by shredding about a quarter of a head of cabbage. Carrots grated on the shredder can be added, as well as one paper thin slice of onion. Chop all pretty well together and add the dressing, which is made of a couple of tablespoons of a prepared mayonnaise, maybe half a teaspoon of some sweetener (of course the original recipe was sugar, but I find that Splenda cannot be detected. I also like to try a little agave nectar, which is a diabetic health food sugar substitute available at any health food store). To this about a teaspoon of white wine vinegar and dash of salt.

Today I had a few pears off Mama's old La Compte pear tree that I had to dispose of before they spoil on me, so I chopped up a small one and added it to the slaw. I had a box of raisins so about half a dozen of them went in. If I had had Craisins I would have used them instead.

Coleslaw with pears is a delicious variation. You have my word on it.


Nunnie's Attic said...

You use lettuce instead of cabbage? What distinguishes that from a salad then? It sounds delicious however you call it...

Mary Lois said...

At least someone's reading the column! Of course I use cabbage! I don't know why I said lettuce. Will go and change the post right now...thanks for noticing so now I know there is someone out there paying attention!